About This is another server running OpenBSD(btw) with some public services available for use. No invasive user logs are written to the disk. You probably shouldnt use this server as its not trustworthy, plus its easy to host your own Email, XMPP, etc. Services are accessible over Tor via: anarchywteuhg5bzh2m2uwvjssxkqgcdtv2eaxm3pc5tg3gb4xseimad.onion
Contact The current admin contact addresses are contact[at]syn.rip via email, or admin[at]syn.rip via XMPP. Please encrypt sensitive messages and data via PGP, OMEMO, or OTR. These are not personal contacts to reach individual admins for things not related to the service, any messages treating them as such will simply be disregarded. Assume that anyone claiming to be an admin is lying, unless they can verify/sign a message via the admin PGP key.
Unalign your subjective perception of reality from the Demiurge and any external thought constructs

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